The residency was a steep learning experience, with the help of the members at Filmverkstaden, who helped me understand certain processes better. I got to work in the dark room, the streets of the city of Vaasa, the harbours, or even the deck of a ship. I had the opportunity to visit Umeä, to see the photography exhibition on Nancy Holt which contributed to my understanding of the practice. 

Learning new processes from the workshop needed time for marination and application. One month seemed short and I wished I had more time. Collecting materials from the coast, meeting fishermen and spending time with them is something that I could not make happen this time due to the schedules of the fishermen and I depended on their availability.

I got to create conceptual series with found objects along the sea through various methods of analogue photography and cameraless techniques. I wanted to make photograms as they reveal a world of form, sense of touch and patterns. My love for botany and spending time in the Finnish nature has been an effective way of connecting with the land and creating a sense of belonging.