Camera trapping for small wild cats in North-East India

I participated/ worked as a research assistant in the project “An integrative approach for designing and evaluating networks of protected areas under climate change: A test using small felids in India”. The project is a collaboration between Uppsala University, Sweden, the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History *SACON), Coimbatore, India and the national Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bangalore India. 

As a research assistant, I was responsible for conducting camera trap surveys, collection of biological samples and training volunteers in Nongkhyllem Wildlife Sanctuary (Meghalaya), Intanki National Park (Nagaland), Pakke Tiger Reserve and Talle Valley Wildlife Sanctuary (Arunachal Pradesh), Dibru-Saikhowa National Park and Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary (Assam).

The field work demanded mental and physical resilience in adverse situations and the capacity to carry out field work in different topographic, social and cultural contexts. The work often involved living in basic conditions, camping and trekking up to 30kms per day through rough terrain to reach remote sampling locations.
The work presented me the opportunity to interact with various indigenous communities and learn about their culture. It made me aware of of local traditions, which needed to be taken into account when preparing logistics.

Although not part of my job description as a project coordinator, I visually documented the project work, the region and traditions through photography and journalling.

I started as a project volunteer and learned the required tasks, about the project’s scientific questions and potential contribution for wildlife conservation. I learned to navigate in tropical forests with the help of Global Positioning System (GPS), and interact with field assistants and the forest department staff on a daily basis. I needed to learn to use technology such as camera traps , understand how to operate them, fix them of they broke down and monitor each unit in field.

Meghalaya, Nongkhyllem National Park

Ingtanki National Park, Nagaland