Commissioned by Snowchange Cooperative (Finland). Published here and full story here

The Bhavani is a river that holds deep cultural, religious, ecological and economic significance for the people who live along its course. But, whilst it is still considered sacred by some, the river is deeply impacted by stressors including the depletion of natural wealth, the impacts of hydro dams and increasing climate variability.

These stressors are forcing people living along the Bhavani to constantly adjust their livelihoods, which largely depend on agriculture, forestry, fisheries and livestock. While wildlife and non-human species are forced to undertake adaptations of their own.

The project is communicated using maps, photographs and field reports from along the Bhavani. The project looks into the history, current threats to the river basin and the potential for future restoration actions of the kind underway in watersheds in other parts of the world.