Values of a future shopping mall.

Visualisation of a projected future cityscape at the Jätkäsaari shopping mall, Helsinki.


Description based on research

Citizens of Helsinki have been offered a chance to experience a new local community hub in Jätkäsaari. The location has been transformed from a boring barren sea-side site to a thriving shopping- complex, designed for prioritising community interaction and local economy by engaging local inhabitants through co-creation. The design of the complex encourages the use of public transport such as trams and bicycles.

There are two levels to the complex - above and below ground. Above ground is reserved for slowing down daily life, while the lower ground supports occasional consumption and high speed travel.

The activities on the upper ground consist of social community hubs like libraries, cafes, restaurants, community working areas, public saunas, parks and green spaces. While the lower level is designed for limited consumer activities, confining consumerism underground. They are run as small businesses or shops promoting local business and a circular economy. Complementary currencies such as time banks and value-based tasks in exchange for services are the new norm. Development has been put on unlimited nuclear fusion energy.

The underground hyperloop trams connect the area to similar community hubs spread across the city. The larger area surrounding the complex consists of creative thinking, research and innovations hubs, schools, services and private housing, all in close proximity to each other.

Governance is done by local politicians who are elected to join the community council by the local inhabitants. However, the transition has not been smooth as investors and capitalists from outside are still attempting to interfere with the new city model.

Due to the easy access to energy in 2050, there is limited demand for consumer goods and no need for jobs. As a result, a sense of purpose is lacking among the city’s inhabitants. People have been forced to start questioning their purpose of life. With the introduction of inner-self evaluation through yoga sessions and mindfulness workshops, people have been looking for ways to achieve a sense of fulfilment and for new ways to utilise time meaningfully.

Visuals by Simon Carlier & Mirko Wittka. Description by Surabhi Nadig & Andreas Sode.

Visuals by Simon Carlier & Mirko Wittka. Description by Surabhi Nadig & Andreas Sode.

Team Members

Surabhi Nadig
Simon Carlier
Mirko Wittka
Andreas Sode