
Developing a Toolkit for Physical

Education Teachers in Tanzania and improving physical education, specifically for girls’ inclusion, in Tanzania.

The sustainability challenge presented to us was the client’s need to improve physical education (PE) within Tanzanian schools. The client believed from earlier work that PE has a positive impact on girls’ empowerment, improved pupil health, and reduced absenteeism at schools.
The proposed solution was a mobile application for PE teachers and toolkit called “Toolkit for Physical Education Teachers“ in Tanzania. It is meant to help them to better create sports equipment from the materials they have in their schools, including DIY tutorials.

Team: Multidisciplinary team of students from University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Aalto University, Finland. Both teams consisting students of Computer Science and Creative Sustainability and Anthropology.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understanding the role of digital products in sustainable development

  • Defining and specifying user requirements

  • Modelling and prototyping interactive digital services

  • Communicating in multidisciplinary teams

My role: Workshop facilitation, Visual documentation and participatory methods, interviewing stakeholders.

This project was part of problem-based learning (PBL) for innovation, engaging several disciplines, empowering students and developing an approach to critically address societal challenges in facilitated real-world situations.